expo "Becoming Kounoichi", "Untitled Fighter" series, 2018
titlu: "Becoming Kounoichi", "Untitled Fighter" series, 2018
textile collage, second-hand fabric
“The Web of Fabric”, group exhibition, Ivan Gallery (31 January - 16 March 2019)
Iulia Toma,Cristina David & Ana-Maria Machedon, Simona Runcan, Madalina Zaharia
credit photo: Catalin Georgescu
"The exhibition brings together works created by artists from the gallery’s portfolio in connection to the textile material, conceived as medium, raw matter, reticular volume and surface, topic or subject. The selection of works is not bound by the limitations inherent to the technical criterion, but presents approaches that are characteristic to each of the artists’ practice, in a net of various means and media interlaced around and in extension to the web of the fabric as a generative principle for structures, textures and images.
Silkhouettes, 2018, textile collage, embroidery by hand on canvas, 51x53 cm
For Iulia Toma (b. 1974) the fabric is the main medium employed both in her artistic practice and in her teaching activity inside the Arts and Textile Design Department of the National University of Arts Bucharest, as well as a primary study in mixed media projects, installations, videos or performance, inside an approach that transgresses the traditional apprehension of the textile medium in itself. In Iulia Toma’s works, this flexible, soft, apparently frail surface supports and interweaves in its fabric sensitive issues of the geo-political realities, feminist topics, problematic matters of the contemporary social context. The textile collages created in the past two years, with drawings embroidered by hand on second-hand cloth or cloth woven by her, present hieratic iconographies of the anonymous or unknown women that have fought for their rights or for other various causes in recent history." (Diana Ursan)
Middle Gray, 2016, textile mural made of collage of textile materials, 181x280cm
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