Solo Show: Kinder. Küche. Kirche

"My sleep is my break", 2014
broderie, 42/ 210 cm

Solo Show: Kinder. Küche. Kirche, part of ‘The Installation Projects’ platform. Curator: Liviana Dan, september 1 – 25, 2015
“Platforma 'The Installation Projects' / artisti Iulia Toma, Vlad Nanca, Apparatus 22, Aurora Kiraly, curator Liviana Dan / furnizeaza fundalul si informarea contextuala asupra unui termen aplicat practicilor de arta care implica instalarea si configurarea obiectelor in spatiu. Totalitatea obiectelor si a spatiului formeaza opera de arta. Uneori cu structura permanenta, efemera insa in mod uzual, instalatia este mai mult un mod de productie si de amplasare, decit o miscare sau un stil. Este o experienta subiectiva cu putere persuasiva certa.
Prioritatea instalatiei ramine identitatea reflexiva a operei de arta.
Proiectul Iuliei Toma 'Kinder. Küche. Kirche. confisca nuantele din 'barefoot and pregnant', dar si logica ideologica a 'ne-gradinaritului' cu ajutorul unei formule ideologice devenita usor eclectica, liberala, conservatoare, socialista. Iulia Toma joaca educatia / intimitatea / credinta, pe autoritatea unei estetici morale. Este captivata de 'house and home' si uneori de 'trade-mark'. Fascinatia materialului versatil ramine insa un
experiment. Iulia Toma dezvolta o fluiditate feminista clara si un limbaj vizual cu vocabular formal. Enigmele poetice sint drapate in metafore. Iulia Toma este concentrata pe prezentarea mesajului. Mijloacele folosite pentru a il obtine sint doar rute narative.” (Liviana Dan)
‘The Installation Projects’ platform / artists Iulia Toma, Vlad Nanca, Apparatus 22, Aurora Király, curator Liviana Dan / highlights the contextual background and information around a term applied in art practices involving the installation and configuration of objects in space. The totality of objects and space sets up the work of art. It is sometimes a permanent or ephemeral structure yet the installation is rather a production or setup mode, not a motion or style. It represents a subjective experience provided with a certain persuasive power. The priority of the installation consists in the reflexive identity of the work of art.
The project of Iulia Toma, ‘Kinder. Küche. Kirche,’ seizes both the meanings derived from ‘barefoot and pregnant’ and the ideological logic of „non-gardening“ by means of an ideological formula which has become slightly eclectic, liberal, conservative and socialist. Iulia Toma performs the elements of education / intimacy / faith according to the authority of some moral aesthetics. She is captivated by the ‘house and home’ and
sometimes by ‘trade-mark’. However, the fascination of fickle materials still suggests an experiment. Iulia Toma develops a clear feminist fluidity and a visual language expressing a formal vocabulary. The poetical enigmas are draped in metaphors. Iulia Toma focuses on the presentation of messages. The means she uses in order to obtain them are only narrative perspectives. (Liviana Dan)
Solo Show: Kinder. Küche. Kirche, part of ‘The Installation Projects’ platform. Curator: Liviana Dan, september 1 – 25, 2015

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